Idea: Expand the 'Solve' option and add 'Smart Expand' function for the best harmonic transition suggestions!

Currently, in the playlist interface of DJ.Studio, only tracks that do not harmonically match with their transitions are marked with a cross. Hovering over this cross displays a 'Solve' option, which when selected, prompts to suggest alternative tracks from all connected sources that would harmonically match better.

This is a fantastic feature for sure!

Requested Feature:

I would like to propose an expansion of this functionality to apply to all the tracks in the list, not just those with harmonic mismatches. Even when tracks do harmonically match, it would be incredibly useful to still see other possible matching options (across all your tracks!) and replace them.

This would provide DJs with more creative flexibility and enhance mixing possibilities by easily presenting alternative tracks that could also be harmonically compatible.

Smart Expand

And you could easily take this even one step further and add a 'Smart Expand' feature. This would introduce a button under the last track in the playlist. This button would automatically suggest a list of new (matching) tracks to add, based the last track and on the best matching selection from the user's own collection.

This process can be repeated to build a playlist one track at a time, allowing DJs to discover and integrate the best hidden gems from their music library effectively.

These features would undoubtedly make DJ.Studio even more helpful for choosing the best possible track for the transition.

Thank you for considering these "Smart" enhancements.

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πŸ’‘ Feature Request


14 days ago


Almar Hijlkema

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